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Sustainability reports

We have set ourselves challenging environmental targets to improve performance in everything, from carbon emissions to waste to green energy use.

Latest results
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  • Carbon reduction plans
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Progress against our targets in FY24

FY24 target: Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions (UK and overseas) to 16,900


FY23: 21,115
FY25 Target: 12,775 tonnes

FY24 target: Reduce Scope 3 emissions (global) to 296,507


FY23: 300,114
FY25 Target: 275,752 tonnes

FY24 target: 65% of fleet zero carbon


FY23: 45%
FY25 Target: 80%

FY24 target: Reduce waste to landfill at Mitie sites to 50 tonnes

0 tonnes

FY23: 2 tonnes
FY25 target: 0 tonnes

ESG Report 2024

Mitie’s latest ESG Report outlines progress across all areas of our Environmental, Social and Governance strategy. It also shares key achievements for the five pillars of our framework: Environment, People, Community, Responsible Supply Chain and Innovation.

View our latest report
The cover of Mitie's ESG Report 2024 - white with various icons representing sections of Mitie's business, titled 'Leveraging technology for sustainable growth, social impact and lasting change'

Interested in our past performance? All our ESG and other reports are available to download.

Carbon and environmental reporting for Mitie Group is overseen by Jason Roberts, Group Director of Sustainability & Social Value.

Due to acquisitions and business growth, Mitie re-baselined in FY22, with the below tables showing FY22 performance, and targets from FY23 onwards. Mitie’s emissions data now includes all operations, including UK and overseas. We have two separate carbon targets to support our net zero commitments for Scope 1 and 2 by 2025, and Scope 3 by 2035.

Carbon targets (tCO2e)FY22
New baseline*
Scope 1 and 220,59620,30016,90012,7758,400
Scope 3332,035315,433296,507275,752253,692

*The baseline for Scope 1 & 2 emissions remains the same for FY22 and FY23, reflecting the UK only targets. From FY24 onwards, the targets have been updated to include both UK and overseas reporting.

Science-based carbon targets (tCO2eFY22 baselineFY23FY24FY25FY26
SBTi Scope 1 and 220,59619,55818,52017,48216,444
SBTi Scope 3332,035317,085302,135287,185272,235
SBTi Total352,631336,643320,655304,667288,679

Note: Carbon credits have been included from FY24 onwards

ESG targets

Mitie has set 14 industry-leading ESG targets. These targets relate to Mitie’s social value framework, and the focus areas highlighted within the following pillars: Environment, Responsible Supply Chain, People and Community. Our fifth pillar, Innovation, is embedded throughout.

View our ESG targets
An illustration showing Mitie's social value framework - an orange curvy line of innovation surrounding icons for people, environment, community and responsible supply chain

Get Decarbonisation, Delivered

As organisations gear up for the net zero 2050 deadline, there is pressing need for progress and delivery from customers, the public, investors and employees alike.

It’s time for a partner who can turn planning into action, and ambition into results. Together, we will make the difference and inspire positive change.

Discover how we can help
Illustrations of two grey and glass office buildings surrounded by green tree-tops and foliage. A man stands on top holding up a solar panel. A grey mountain, white clouds and a yellow sun are in the background, with three Mitie branded vans climbing the hillside